Do you look after your eyes at work?
Eyestrain is a very common problem for people who spend their day using a computer screen, and can cause sore and tired eyes, blurred vision, headaches, sore necks and difficulty concentrating. For many of us, using screens all day is a necessity, but there are actions we can take to reduce the harmful effects of this as much as possible. Take a look at some of the measures you can take to keep your eyes feeling fresh!
Blink Often
This may sound like an obvious one, but did you know that when working on a computer, you actually blink less that ususal? This can make sure eyes dry and tired, causing some irritation. Blinking helps to moisten and refresh your eyes, so make sure to blink often when looking at a monitor.
Adjust Your Monitor
Your screen should be about arm's length away with the top of your screen at or just below eye level to avoid straining your eyes. If you are looking at investing in new equipment such as monitors, desks and chairs, our team can advise you on how best to set them up to make your workstation as comfortable as possible. It may also help to adjust your settings such as brightness and font size to a level that's comfortable for you.
Give Your Eyes A Break
Even when you're working to urgent deadlines or have a lot of work to get through, it's important to give your eyes a break throughout the day. If you find it difficult to fit in breaks away from your screen, a handy rule to follow is the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
Reduce Glare
This is one of the biggest causes of eyestrain in the office - but there are some very simple fixes. Glare can make it difficult to see your screen, leading you to strain your eyes to see it. Glare is often caused by lighting that is too bright or sunlight from nearby windows. Turn off some overhead lights if necessary, and if you can, position your desk somewhere that sunlight won't shine directly on your screen. If this isn't an option or if glare is still causing you discomfort, you can also buy anti-glare filters for your monitor.
Working at a computer for long periods of the day can really take a toll on your eyes, but these small changes can really make a big difference to your wellbeing now and in the longterm!