Want to get organised but you're short on space?
A clean, organised workpsace can make your workday go a lot smoother, but if you don't have much desk space or free room for storage boxes, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are our top tips for getting your workspace in order when you're tight on room!
Routinely declutter your desk
It's easy to let bits and pieces pile up, but often when you take the time to think about it, you'll find you don't need them around. Put aside time - whether it's five minutes at the end of every day or an hour on a Friday afternoon - to go through the papers that have built up and decide to get rid of them or file them away somewhere that you can find them again.
Take advantage of wall space
If you don't have a lot of surfaces or storage space to work with, think outisde the box (or the filing cabinet!) Wall mounted planners and whiteboards will save you room on your desk when keeping track of projects. There are also wall mounted storage options available for paperwork and literature.
Go paper-free
Sticky notes and notebooks are great for following up on important tasks and remembering details, but too many notes can become overwhelming and hard to follow. Avoid keeping too many notes and reminders stuck around your space - if you like to scribble notes during your day, a good (and paper-free!) alternative to Post-It notes is the Nobo Glass Personal Desktop Panel.
Invest in cupboard accessories
With no system in place, it's easy for your storage spaces to become cluttered and difficult to search through. Investing in some drawer and shelving inserts can help you make the most of your storage space, and keep your files and folders easily accessible.
With limited space it can be hard to know where to start on organising your workspace, but a few little changes can make a big difference. If you're still struggling to work out what's right for you, get in touch with a member of the team to discuss what we can do to help!