It's time to take control!
Keeping track of files and projects can be tricky at the best of times, and trying to do it when your time is split between home and office working, it gets even trickier! Fear not - we have some top tips for you to help you take control of your work, to get your files and documents organised so that you can get to them quickly and efficiently.
Don't need it? Shred it!
Be strict about the paperwork that you keep. If it's not needed, get it shredded. You'll feel happier that you've removed any chance of security breaches, and also you'll have less clutter in your box files! We have a range of shredders available depending on the security level you need and your usage.
Divide and conquer!
File dividers and index tabs are a great way of keeping track of the most important paperwork in your folders, and make it quicker and easier for you (and others) to search through your files. File dividers can come numbered, labelled from A-Z or by month, or plain so you can customise them yourself!
Stick a label on it
If you are archiving old paper work in boxes or simply filing into cabinet drawers, make sure they are clearly labelled so you know what's inside them. Ensure that files within boxes and cabinets are also labelled clearly so you can easily access the paperwork you require. Avery Filing Labels are ideal for making your files look neat and tidy. Labels can be printed as and when you need them so it’s easy to keep your files up to date. Add your company logo or an emoji so you know which stuff is work and which stuff is personal.
Get a grip!
When you have loose paper work that needs attending to but isn’t quite ready for filing, use grip or foldback clips to keep it tidy and organised.
Labels, files, folders, archive storage - we can provide everything you need to keep you organised and in control - check our webstore or get in touch to discuss what we can do to help!